Proceedings of the Canadian Containerized Tree Seedling Symposium
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Proceedings of the Canadian Containerized Tree Seedling Symposium
Containerized Seedlings and Canada's Forest Renewal
- Author(s): K. A. Armson
Containerized Forest Tree Seedling Production and Development Prospects in Finland and Scandanavia
- Author(s): Pentti K. Rasanen
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - British Columbia
- Author(s): C. M. Johnson
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Alberta
- Author(s): S. A. Luchow
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Saskatchewan
- Author(s): H. S. Price
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Manitoba
- Author(s): L. G. Yarn
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Ontario
- Author(s): C. J. Heeney
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Quebec
- Author(s): Alain Dancause
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - New Brunswick
- Author(s): M. K. Barteaux, N. H. Kreiberg
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Nova Scotia
- Author(s): R. E. Bailey
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Prince Edward Island
- Author(s): Glen Kelly
The Status of Container Planting Programs in Canada - Newfoundland
- Author(s): George Ross, Thomas McDonough
The Status of Container Planting Programs in the Northern United States - Northeastern United States
- Author(s): John R. Scholtes
The Status of Container Planting Programs in the Northern United States - Lake States
- Author(s): Alvin A. Alm
The Status of Container Planting Programs in the Northern United States - Northwestern United States
- Author(s): Thomas D. Landis
Environmental Control of Seedling Physiology
- Author(s): Richard W. Tinus
The Fundamentals of Container Seedling Production
- Author(s): Evert Vaneerden
Conserving Energy in Container Greenhouses
- Author(s): Stewart I. Cameron
Greenhouse Glazing Materials - A Comparison
- Author(s): John Siemens
Contrasting Approaches to Containerized Seedling Production - British Columbia
- Author(s): R. G. Matthews
Contrasting Approaches to Containerized Seedling Production - The Prairie Provinces
- Author(s): Ivor K. Edwards, Ralph F. Huber
Contrasting Approaches to Containerized Seedling Production - The Maritime Provinces
- Author(s): R. D. Hallett
Influence of Extended Photoperiod on Growth of White and Engelmann Spruce Seedlings in Coastal British Columbia Nurseries
- Author(s): A. Mitchell, James T. Arnott
The Effect of Dormancy Induction, Low Temperatures and Moisture Stress on Cold Hardening of Containerized Black Spruce Seedlings
- Author(s): Andre L. D'Aoust, Stewart I. Cameron
Practical Application of Dormancy Induction Techniques to Greenhouse-Grown Conifers in Sweden
- Author(s): Gunnel Rosvall-Ahnebrink
Cold Hardiness and Bud Development Under Short Days in Black Spruce and White Spruce Seedlings
- Author(s): S. J. Colombo, D. P. Webb, C. Glerum
Environmental Control Over the Shoot Growth of Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): S. Thompson
Mycorrhizal Development on Containerized Tree Seedlings
- Author(s): C. Gilles Langlois, J. Andre Forting
Box-Pruning the Roots of Container-Grown Tree Seedlings
- Author(s): A. N. Burdett
Root Development Control Measures in Containers - Recent Findings
- Author(s): C. P. Patrick Reid, Richard W. Tinus, Stephen E. McDonald
Diseases and Insects and their Management
- Author(s): Jack R. Sutherland, W. Lock, Lee E. Benson
An Integrated Industrial System for the Production of Tree Seedling Containers
- Author(s): Adrian Barbulescu
Performance of Some Biodegradable Papers Used for Tree Seedling Containers
- Author(s): E. A. N. Sugden, John B. Scarratt
Cold Storage of Containerized Planting Stock and Subsequent Performance After Outplanting
- Author(s): Anders Mattsson
Monitoring Crop Development During the Rearing of Containerized Seedlings
- Author(s): R. D. Hallett
Biological and Operational Considerations in the Development of Integrated Handling and Transportation Systems
- Author(s): Hakan Hulteni
Alberta's Approach to Containerized Seedling Handling
- Author(s): S. A. Luchkow
Planning and Organizing the Planting Project
- Author(s): R. Brown
The Optimization of Plantation Establishment by Pot Planting
- Author(s): John Walters
Engineering Constraints on Planting Machine Development
- Author(s): B. J. Sutherland
Specifications for a Container Planting Machine - A Field Viewpoint
- Author(s): J. K. K. Heikurinen
Site Preparation and Automatic Machine Planting of Containerized Stock
- Author(s): Martti Kohonen
Field Performance of Small-Volume Container-Grown Seedlings in the Central Interior of British Columbia
- Author(s): Alan Vysel
Field Performance of Containerized Seedlings in Interior British Columbia
- Author(s): A. C. Gardner
Size of Container-Grown Seedlings Should be Matched to Site Conditions
- Author(s): R. G. McMinn
Production, Use, and Field Performance of Container Seedlings in the Prairie Provinces
- Author(s): W. J. Ball, L. G. Bracel
Comparitive Field Performance of Paperpot and Bare-Root Planting Stock in Northeastern Ontario
- Author(s): C. R. Mattice
Growth, Nutrition and Root Development of Ontario Tubelings, Plugs and 3+0 Bare-Root Black Spruce
- Author(s): Keith M. McClain
Container Stock Specifications for Northern Ontario
- Author(s): John B. Scarratt
Early Growth of Bare-Root and Paperpot Plantations at Various Locations in New Brunswick
- Author(s): H. H. Krause
Survival and Growth of Some Paperpot Seedling Plantations in Quebec
- Author(s): R. J. Hatcher
Performance of Container-Grown Douglas-Fir on Droughty Sites in Southwest Oregon
- Author(s): Stephen D. Hobbs, Denis P. Lavender, Kenneth A. Wearstler
Effects of Nursery Nutritional Schedules on Development of Western Hemlock Seedlings in the Field
- Author(s): G. D. Shaw, William C. Carlson
Root Egress in Lodgepole Pine Seedlings Grown in Peat and Planted in Soil
- Author(s): A. K. Helium
Surface Planting Systems
- Author(s): Anders Lindström, Kart-Anders Hogberg
Root Form of Planted Trees
- Author(s): Evert Vaneerden
A Procedure for Comparing Alternatives in Planting Tree Seedlings
- Author(s): Alex Tunner
Opportunities for Improvement in Containerized Reforestation - An Independant View
- Author(s): Henry A. Spencer
Plant System 80 - Background, Short Description, Plans
- Author(s): Ove Andreason
The New Generation of Containers - Micro Containers
- Author(s): F. Wiesingerl
Container Seedling Production in British Columbia
- Author(s): N. E. Sjoberg, R. D. Hagell
Some Aspects of Fertilization Using Containerized White Spruce Seedlings
- Author(s): A. Gonzalez
The Shoot Growth Habit Peculiar to Second-Year Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): S. J. Colombo
Conditioning, Overwintering and Frost Effect in Multi-Crop Container Production
- Author(s): Harry Zalaskyl
Containers Used for Tree Genetics and Breeding
- Author(s): C. W. Yeatman, T. C. Nieman, Z. Zdrazill
Pelleted Seeds - Pros and Cons
- Author(s): M. J. Adams
Drought Tolerance and Physiological Mechanisms of Drought Resistance in Three Northern Conifers
- Author(s): David R. Cyr, E. B. Dumbroffl, G. F. Buxton
Performance of Container-Grown and Bare-Root Jack Pine Three Years After Outplanting on a Northern Ontario Cutover
- Author(s): C. Glerum, J. Paterson
Comparisons of Container Seedling Planting with Other Methods of Reforestation in Newfoundland Using Black Spruce
- Author(s): J. Richardson
Field Evaluation of Container-Grown Northern Red Oak
- Author(s): P. E. Pope
Black Walnut Grown in Tarpaper Containers
- Author(s): F. W. von Althen, F. A. Prince
Jack Pine Seedlings Grown in Quebec Tubes and Other Containers
- Author(s): Ronald M. Girouard
The Root Study Box - A Device for the Evaluation or Root Development
- Author(s): Anders Lindström, John B. Scarratt
Root Form of Jack Pine Paperpot Seedlings Eight Years After Outplanting
- Author(s): J. K. K. Heikurinen, John B. Scarratt
Root System Development After Planting of Various Scots Pine Nursery Stock Types
- Author(s): Jari Parviainen