RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Seed Manuals

  • Seed-Transfer Guidelines for Important Tree Species in the Eastern United States (2024)

    This guidebook was created to provide science-based seed-transfer information for important tree species in the Eastern United States in an accessible, easy-to-reference format. The intended audience is nursery managers, land managers, and anyone tasked with making decisions about appropriate seed sources. This guidebook was prompted by increasing demands for seed- transfer information pertaining to assisted migration, or the intentional movement of seed sources from warmer to cooler climates to account for changing climate. This guidebook includes southern pines but is intended for populations occurring along the northern range edges where southern pines are currently scarce or may not occur yet.

  • Native Seed Production Manual for the Pacific Northwest (2015)

    The purpose of this manual is to summarize the seed production methods used by the PMC for many of the native species we have worked with over the years. Small scale seed increase is typically labor intensive, lacks labels for pesticides and herbicides that could be helpful, and often requires specialized equipment or equipment modification. Nevertheless, information provided herein should prove useful at least as a starting point for both established seed growers and others interested in entering the business, or for practitioners wishing to simply collect, process, and handle seed of plants native to the Pacific Northwest, USA.

  • Woody Plant Seed Manual (2008)

    The Woody Plant Seed Manual is an update of the Seed of Woody Plants in the United States which was published back in 1974. The manual is divided into two sections. Part One consists of 7 chapters on general principles such as seed biology, harvesting, storage, testing as well as nursery practices. Part Two has been expanded to include 236 genera of native and introduced woody plants, many of which are tropical species or western natives which have become widely-used. The information on each genus is presented in the following sections: growth habit; occurrence and use; flowering and fruiting; collection, extraction and storage of seeds; pregermination treatments; germination test; and nursery practices.

  • Guidelines for Producing Quality Longleaf Pine Seeds (2002)

    General Technical Report SRS–52. June 2002. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station.

  • Tropical Tree Seed Manual (2002)

    This manual provides comprehensive, internationally compiled data about tropical trees. The first part consists of nine chapters written by authorities in areas of seed biology, collection, storage, dormancy, germination, pathology, ecology, ethnobotany, and dendrology. The second part presents descriptions of 197 botanically and economically important tropical tree species.

    Manual de Semillas de Árboles Tropicales

  • Seed Handling Guidebook (2001)

    This guidebook, published by the BC Ministry of Forests, covers seed condition, cone and seed insects, seed fungi as well as an in-depth coverage of the seed handling system from cone collection to sowing in the nursery. An additional section on the germination micro-environment and its manipulation is also included.

  • Southern Pine Seed Sources (2001)

    The purpose of this handbook is to guide landowners and consulting foresters in selecting appropriate seed sources for planting southern pines.

  • Anatomy & Morphology of Conifer Tree Seed (1997)

    This publication from the BC Ministry of Forests describes the anatomical and morphological characteristics of conifer seeds as well as germination, dormancy, and seed tests. In addition, eight conifer genera are profiled.

  • Tree Seed Technology Training Course (1994)

    This manual is intended primarily to train seed collectors, seed-plant managers, seed analysts, and nursery managers, but it can serve as a resource for any training course in forest regeneration. It includes both temperate and tropical tree species of all intended uses. The manual covers the following topics: seed biology, seed collection, seed handling, seed-quality evaluation, seed protection, seed basics for nurseries, and seed programs. It also includes practical exercises.

  • Principles and Practices of Seed Storage (1978)

    The principles discussed in this volume are useful for those interested in storing seeds. Seeds of forest trees, fruit trees, and weeds are not thoroughly discussed. However, the principles presented here apply equally to all seed storage.

  • Mechanical Seed Cleaning and Handling (1968)

    Agriculture Handbook No. 354. Issued October 1968. This handbook supersedes Agriculture Handbook No. 179, Seed Cleaning and Handling.

  • Separating Seeds by Length with Special Indent Cylinders (1965)

    This bulletin was published by Oregon State University as Technical Bulletin 88 1965. Techniques to use physical characteristics to separate seed with an indent cylinder are discussed.

  • Processing Seed of Grasses and Other Plants to Remove Awns and Other Appendages (1940)

    This is USDA Circular No, 558. Techniques to remove awns and other appendages mechanically are discussed.