Native Plants Journal - Issues
Fall 2010 (Volume: 11 Issue: 3)
1 Article(s) Found:
Summer 2010
(Volume: 11 Issue: 2)
Fall 2008
(Volume: 9 Issue: 3)
13 Article(s) Found:
- Providing native plant diversity to the Willamette Valley ecoregion: no-tech, low-tech, and old-tech seed production methods
- New programs promoting native plant gardening in Oregon
- Regional strategies for restoring invaded prairies: observations from a multisite collaborative research project
- Developing native plant germplasm for national forests and grasslands in the pacific northwest
- Native plants on disturbed roadsides: Introduction to a new integrated approach
- Reviving the connection between children and nature through service-learning restoration partnerships
- Seed transfer zones for native grass Festuca roemeri genecological evidence
- Polycross populations of the native grass Festuca roemeri as pre-varietal germplasm: their derivation, release, increase, and use
- Vital steps toward success of endangered plant reintroductions
- Native plants and urban sustainability
- The Willamette Valley seed increase program: developing genetically diverse germplasm using an ecoregion approach
- The good, the bad, and the ugly: challenges in plant conservation in Oregon
- Seedling population size and microhabitat association in Lupinus oreganus A. Heller var. kincidii C.P. Sm. (Fabaceae) a threatened plant of western Oregon grasslands
Summer 2008
(Volume: 9 Issue: 2)
8 Article(s) Found:
- Native pollinators: how to protect and enhance habitat for native bees
- Observations on root disease of container whitebark pine seedlings
- Notice of release of `Discovery' Snake River wheatgrass
- Notice of release of Opportunity Germplasm Nevada bluegrass:
- The influence of fertilization regime and mycorrhizal inoculum on
- Subsoiling promotes native plant establishment on compacted forest sites
- Notice of release of a selection of scratchgrass: selected class of germplasm
- Notice of release of NBR-1 Germplasm basalt milkvetch
Spring 2008
(Volume: 9 Issue: 1)
8 Article(s) Found:
- Influence of irrigation method and container type on northern red oak seedling growth and media electrical conduction
- Propagation protocol for giant trumpets (Macromeria viridiflora DC. [Boraginaceae])
- The `Appar' flax release: origin, distinguishing characteristics, and use; and a native alternative
- Vegetative propagation of coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens (Lamb. ex D. Don) Endl.)
- An introduction to propagation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in pot cultures for inoculation of native plant nursery stock
- Portable refrigerator | freezer provides stable temperature for plant material collection
- Prairie turnip Pediomelum esculentum (Pursh) Rydb.: historical and modern use, propagation, and management of a new crop
- A digital photography short course
Fall 2007
(Volume: 8 Issue: 3)
10 Article(s) Found:
- The effect of five pre-emergence herbicides on emergence and establishment of four native wildflowers
- Porpagation protocol for bareroot silver buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea)
- Temperature and light affects germination ecology of commercially produced seeds of Leavenworth's coreopsis
- Propagation protocol for 'iliahi (Santalum freycinetianum)
- A common passion: Multiple agencies and volunteers unite to reintroduce goats foot passionflower to rockland hammocks of Miami, Florida
- Investigating koa wilt and dieback in Hawai'i: Pathogenicity of Fusarium species on Acacia koa species
- A low-tech, inexpensive subirrigation system for production of broadleaved species in large containers
- Inoculation of green alder (Alnus crispa) with Frankia-ectomycorrhiza fungal inoculant under commercial nursery production conditions
- Using germination cloths in container and bareroot nurseries
- Production of conifer bareroot seedlings using controlled release fertilizer
Summer 2007
(Volume: 8 Issue: 2)
7 Article(s) Found:
- Propagation protocol for broadleaf arrowhead Sagittaria latifolia Willd. (Alismataceae)
- Vegetative propagation of Arctostaphylos Adans. Colorado style
- Imazapic provides 2-year control of weedy annuals
- Invasion biology and control of invasive woody plants
- Techniques to control woody invasive plants in
- Characterizing fertilizer and media pH requirements for
- Propagation protocol for the native cycad coontie (Zamia pumila L.)
Spring 2007
(Volume: 8 Issue: 1)
10 Article(s) Found:
- Germinating seeds of Lesquerella Perforata and Stonensis substrate effects and mucilage production
- Forcing cycles speed growth and flowering in Western Red Lily Lilium Philadelphicum L.
- Salvaging and relocating Ambrosia pumila
- Growth, flowering, and survival of Fire Wheel Gaillardia Pulchella Foug. based on seed source and growing location
- Propagation protocol for Rock Evening Primrose Oenothera caespitosa Nutt.
- Chokecherry: have viable seeds and eat the fruit, too!
- Phenotypic diversity of Coreopsis leavenworthii Torr. & Gray (Asteraceae)
- Propagation protocol for Ram's Head Lady's Slipper Cypripedium Arietinum
- Propagation protocol for Crimsoneyed Rosemallow Hibiscus moscheutos L. (Malvaceae)
- Equipment settings for cleaning seeds of smooth cord grass Spartina alterniflora Loisel.
Fall 2006 (Volume: 7 Issue: 3)
11 Article(s) Found:
- Hand-pollination of Cardamine californica improves seed set
- Subirrigation reduces water use, nitrogen loss, and moss growth in a container nursery
- Unusual native trees
- Effects of irrigation and mowing on species diversity of grass and wildflower mixtures for the Intermountain West
- Assessing viability of northern red oak acorns with X-rays: application for seed managers
- Genetic fingerprinting of goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis using AFLP markers: an update
- Stacked propagation: a new way to grow native plants from root cuttings
- Using compost for container production of ornamental wetland and flatwood species native to Florida
- Propagation protocol for Jacquemontia relinata House, a federally endangered species of South Florida
- Gizmos and gadgets from Missoula Technology and Development Center
- Investigating koa wilt in Hawai'i examining Acacia koa seeds and seedpods for Fusarium species
Summer 2006 (Volume: 7 Issue: 2)
8 Article(s) Found:
- Ethylene improves germination of arrow-leaved balsamroot seed
- Native plants enhance art: transforming public transportation
- Inadvertent selection in the propagation of native plants: a cautionary note
- Antelope bitterbrush reestablishment: a case study of plant size and browse protection effects
- Propagation protocol for spicebush Lindera benzoin
- Grafting of Acacia koa Gray onto young Acacia seedlings
- Collecting tapertip onion (Allium acuminatum Hook.) in the Great Basin using traditional and GIS methods
- Modifications improve seed harvest with the Woodward Flail-Vac Seed Stripper
Spring 2006
(Volume: 7 Issue: 1)
15 Article(s) Found:
- Restoration of native plants on Catalina Island, California
- Seed quality testing of native species
- Control of knotweed and other invasive species and experiences restoring native species in the Pacific Northwest US
- Moss propagation in Glacier National Park's native plant nursery
- Understanding cultural reasons for the increase in both restoration efforts and gardening with native plants
- Native grass seeding and forb planting establishment in a degraded oak savanna plant community in the Coast Range foothills of western Oregon
- Seed production of Anaphalis margaritacea, Eriophyllum lanatum and Eriogunum unbellatum
- Propagating native Salicaceae for riparian restoration on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona
- Seeding rate affects establishment of native perennial legumes in the upper midwestern US
- Successful 1-y storage of swamp white oak acorns
- Genetic fingerprinting of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L. [Ranunclulaeae]) using AFLP markers
- Planting longleaf pine at wide spacings
- Propagation protocol for endangered crenulate lead plant (Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata
- Comparison of methods for seeding Nebraska sedge ( Carex nebrascensis ) and Baltic rush (Juncus balticus )
- The pot planter: a new attachment for the Waterjet Stinger
Fall 2005
(Volume: 6 Issue: 3)
13 Article(s) Found:
- Propagation protocol for Koa (Acacia Koa Gray
- Seeds obtained by vacuuming the soil surface after fire compared with soil seedbank in a flatwoods plant community
- Hurricanes, bears, and propagating Persea Palustris
- Propagation protocol for Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow (Kosteletzkya virginica)
- Establishing Wyoming Big Sagebrush seed orchards on reclaimed mining land
- Evaluation of Penstemon as a host for Castilleja in garden or landscape
- Propagation protocol for Oneseed and Utah junipers (Juniperus monosperma and Juniperus osteosperma)
- Frozen-stored container stock can be outplanted without thawing
- Propagation protocol for Showy Four O'Clock (Mirabilis multiflora
- Straw mulch prevents loss of fall-sown seeds to cold temperatures and wildlife predation
- Native seed commerce: More frequently asked questions
- Purchasing native seeds-advice from a nurseryman
- Roadside revegetation of forest highways: new applications for native plants
Summer 2005
(Volume: 6 Issue: 2)
8 Article(s) Found:
- Intermountain Native Plant Growers Association: A non-profit trade organization promoting landscape use of native plants
- Mist interval and K-IBA concentration influence rooting of orange and mountain azaela
- Collecting seeds on private property: the importance of reciprocal relationships
- Impact of defoliation on herbage and seed production of Strophostyles helvula and S. leiosperma
- Cordless hedge trimmer for seed collection
- Propagation protocol for California Redbud (Cercis orbiculata Greene)
- Propagation protocol for Meadow Beauty Rhexia virginica L. (Melastomataceae)
- Propagation protocol for Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum)
Spring 2005 (Volume: 6 Issue: 1)
16 Article(s) Found:
- Book Review
- Preliminary study shows germination of Caribbean applecactus (Harrisia fragrans) improved with acid scarification and gibberellic acid
- Genetic variation in broadleaf lupine (Lupinus latifolius) on the Mt. Hood National Forest and implications for seed collection and deployment
- Rhexifolia versus rhexiifolia:plant nomenclature run amok?
- Native wildflower seed production techniques in Mississippi
- Using local seeds in prairie restoration -- data support the paradigm
- Genetic considerations in the operational production of hardwood nursery stock in the eastern United States
- Genetic priniples and the use of native seeds -- just the FAQs, please, just the FAQs
- Not your grandpa's cultivars: the new conservation releases
- Propagation protocol for Indian paintbrush (Castillega species)
- Texas roadside wildflowers
- Phylogeography of North American mountain biomes
- Legal status extended to related taxa on PLANTS Internet database
- Reforestation costs can be decreased by lowering initial stocking and outplanting morphologically improved seedlings
- Why are plant names changing so much?
- Initial mortality and root and shoot growth of valley oak seedlings outplanted as seeds and as container stock under different irrigation regimes
Fall 2004
(Volume: 5 Issue: 2)
14 Article(s) Found:
- Intensive revegetation in Arizona's hot desert: the advantages of container stock
- Pacific Northwest Forest tree seed zones: a template for native plants?
- Wiregrass grown from seeds obtained on Florida flatwood and sandhill sites
- Evaluation of native legume species for forage yield, quality, and seed production
- Using compost for container production of ornamental hammock species native to Florida
- Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) Seed and Plant Transfer Guidelines
- Propagation Protocol for Bareroot Sagebrush (Artemisia spp.)
- A Plant Genetics Primer-Basic Terminology
- Genetic erosion: no longer just an agricultural issue
- Storing Acorns
- Propagation protocol for growing bareroot oaks (Quercus L.)
- Book Review: Mushrooms of West Virginia and the Central Appalachians
- Book Review: Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky
- Inoculating composted pine bark with beneficial organisms to make a disease suppressive compost for container production in Mexican forest nurseries
Spring 2004
(Volume: 5 Issue: 1)
19 Article(s) Found:
- Establishment of Desmanthus Species in Existing Grass Stands
- Propagation protocol for American Lotus Nelumbo lutea Willd.
- Micropropagation of Lewisia cotyledon using Axillary Buds from Flower Peduncles
- Tissue-cultured Creeping Bluestem for restoration of phosphate-mined lands
- Propagation and Transplanting of an Endangered Alpine Species Robbins' Cinquefoil Potentilla robbinsiana (Rosaceae)
- Propagation Protocol for Callirhoe involucrata
- A Review of chemical Treatments to Improve Germination of Longleaf Pine Seeds
- Shade limited root mass and carbohydrate reserves of the federally endangered Beach Clustervine Jacquemontia reclinata grown in containers
- Revegetation and Restoration Planting Tools: An In-the-Field Perspective
- Low-Tech Devices for Collecting, Processing, and Planting Seeds
- Species Composition Changes in a Rooftop Grass and Wildflower Meadow: Implications for designing successful mixtures
- Cold Stratification of Pacific Madrone Seeds
- Cuisinart For Cleaning Elderberry (Sambucus Spp. L. [Caprifoliaceae]) Seeds
- Blending Dry Seeds Clean
- Collecting Seeds From Southeastern US Woodland Species
- Racquets, Hoppers, and Felt Boards -- Low-Tech Devices For Processing Seeds
- Cleaning Grass Seeds
- Tumbling For Seed Cleaning and Conditioning
- Low Cost Tools For Seed Collection and Seed Sowing
Fall 2003
(Volume: 4 Issue: 2)
15 Article(s) Found:
- Optimizing acid scarification and stratification combinations for russet buffaloberry seeds
- Trends in the western native plant seed industry since 1990
- Seed germination of burnet, Sanguisorba spp.
- Propagation protocol for black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.)
- An historical prairie remnant in Virginia
- Propagation protocol for Canada lily (Lilium canadense)
- Sex and the single Salix: considerations for riparian restoration.
- Propagation protocol for container willows in the southwestern US using seeds
- Propagation protocol for bareroot bigtooth and quaking aspen using seeds
- Propagation protocol for aspen using root cuttings
- Propagation protocol for bareroot willows in Ontario using hardwood cuttings
- Propagation protocol for container willows and poplars using mini-cuttings
- Using a shop vacuum to clean Salicaceae seeds
- Mycorrhizal fungi
- Mycorrhizal development and plant growth in inoculated and non-inoculated plots of California native grasses and shrubs
Spring 2003
(Volume: 4 Issue: 1)
14 Article(s) Found:
- Effects of temperature on germination of 10 native legume species
- Production and conditioning of winterfact seeds (Krascheninnikovia lanata)
- When breaking seed dormancy is a problem, try a move-along experiment
- Native plant restoration on Hawai'i
- Tree planting at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge---the right tool for the right stock type
- Double dibble--companion planting techniques for establishing rare plants
- Propagation protocol for endangered Mauna Loa silversword, Argyroxiphium kauense (Asteraceae)
- Fencing is key to native plant restoration in Hawai'i
- Flaming Fabaceae--using an alcohol flame to break seed dormancy
- The Pu 'Ole 'Ole blows and 'Awa is poured: Maui Kumu Kel'i Tau'a welcomes Hawaiian seedlings back to Auwahi
- Density and development of bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) in forest plantations as affected by manual and chemical application
- Observations on Bromus carinatus and Elymus glaucus seed storage and longevity
- Sulfuric acid scarification of wax currant seeds from New Mexico
- Modifying blender blades for seed cleaning
Fall 2002
(Volume: 3 Issue: 2)
12 Article(s) Found:
- Wild American Ginseng
- Conservation of species by protective marking.
- Commercial production of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.).
- Stratification of American ginseng seeds--problems and solutions.
- Propagation of 4 Florida coastal dune species.
- Colorado native plant survey--voices of the green industry.
- Palms of northeastern Mexico
- Effect of seeding date on establishment of native grasses.
- Tips for improving seed planting efficiency.
- Refinement and stratification of thinleaf alder and water birch seeds from New Mexico.
- Mountain lady's slipper (Cypripedium montanum): establishment from seeds in forest openings.
- Effect of gibberellic acid and standard seed treatments on mountain snowberry germination.
Spring 2002
(Volume: 3 Issue: 1)
12 Article(s) Found:
- Temperature profiles and the effects of field environments on germination of silver sagebrush
- Propagation of North American trilliums
- Propagation protocol for Trillium L. (Liliaceae)
- Propagation protocol for western trilliums
- Performance of American native grass cultivars in the Canadian prairie provinces
- Potential for expanded production of native rangeland seeds in western North America
- A model for expanded use of native grasses
- Propagation protocol for North American pitcher plants (Sarracenia L.)
- The endangered Tennessee purple coneflower Echinacea tennesseensis (Asteraceae): its ecology and conservation
- Shaken, not stirred -- a percussion scarification technique
- Factors and benefits in the establishment of modest-sized wildflower plantings: a review
- Practicing safe seed
Fall 2001
(Volume: 2 Issue: 2)
13 Article(s) Found:
- Preliminary study shows that cold, moist stratification increases germination of 2 native Illicium species
- Rocky Mountain juniper seed collecting, processing, and germination
- Waterjet stinger: a tool for planting dormant nonrooted cuttings
- Systematic experimental designs for mixed species plantings
- Survival and growth of individual trees in mixed species plantations of bottomland hardwoods on 2 Mississippi delta soil types
- Propagation protocol for devil's club (Oplopanax horridus)
- Propagation protocol for poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum
- Propagation protocol for stinging nettle (Urtica dioica)
- Propagation protocol for poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix)
- Equipment modifications for harvesting fluffy seeds
- Vegetative propagation and production of Ceratiola ericoides Michx. for use in restoration
- Geotropic lateral roots of container-grown longleaf pine seedlings
- Propagation protocol for Astragalus bibullatus
Spring 2001
(Volume: 2 Issue: 1)
14 Article(s) Found:
- Ethnobotany, culture, management, and use of common camas
- Plants for ecological restoration: a foundation and a philosophy for the future
- Native or not: subjective labels and their application in wildland plantings
- Irrigation and mulch effects on desert shrub transplant establishment
- Riparian zone restoration: field requirements and nursery opportunities
- Experiences establishing native wetland plants in a constructed wetland
- Propagation protocol for Gordonia lasianthus
- Propagation protocol for lizard's tail (Saururus cernuus)
- Revegetation of a San Francisco coastal salt marsh
- Propagation protocol for ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius)
- Using a laundry spin dryer to remove surface water from seeds
- Perigynium removal and cold, moist stratification improve germination of Carex nebrascensis (Nebraska sedge)
- Observations on seed propagation of 5 Mississippi wetland species
- Comparing perceptions of native status
Fall 2000
(Volume: 1 Issue: 2)
14 Article(s) Found:
- Revegetating slag refuse areas with native warm season grasses
- Mystery solved on Spring Creek: Trautvetteria caroliniensis
- Saguaro cactus: cultural significance and propagation techniques in the Sonoran Desert
- Native Americans and their plants: linking the past with the future
- Propagation protocol for Hierochloe odorata: sweetgrass
- Propagation protocol for wild rice (Zizania palustris L. [Poaceae])
- IR-4 program: registering pesticides for specialty plants
- The use of coir as a containerized growing medium for Douglas-fir seedlings.
- Propagation protocols on the Native Plant Network
- Writing woody plant specifications for restoration and mitigation projects
- Harvesting native seeds with a gas hedge trimmer
- Vegetated erosion control mats for site stabilization
- Propagation of redhead grass (Potamogeton perfoliatus L.) transplants for restoration projects
- Blue oak mini-plug transplants: how they compare to standard bareroot and container stock.
Spring 2000
(Volume: 1 Issue: 1)
13 Article(s) Found:
- Native fern propagation in Glacier National Park's Native Plant Nursery
- Mason State Nursery: a model for prairie plant production
- Protocol for growing Kankakee mallow (Iliamna remota)
- Chilling requirements for seed germination of 10 Utah species of perennial wild buckwheat (Eriogonum Michx. [Polygonaceae])
- Where there's smoke. . . there's germination?
- Meehania cordata: a great ground cover for the landscape
- Seed and seedling production of blue wild-rye (Elymus glaucus)
- Ecology and conservation biology of the endangered plant species Solidago shortii (Asteraceae)
- The longleaf pine ecosystem of the south
- Wiregrass propagation at the Andrews Nursery in Florida
- Growing longleaf pine seedlings in containers
- Homemade dibble facilitates planting willow and cottonwood cuttings
- Native warm-season grass and forb establishment using imazapic and 2,4-D