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Home Native Plant Network Journal Articles Genetic priniples and the use of native seeds -- just the FAQs, please, just the FAQs

Native Plants Journal - Article

Genetic priniples and the use of native seeds -- just the FAQs, please, just the FAQs


To make intelligent choices in the marketplace, native seed
customers should have a working understanding of genetic
principles and terminology as they apply to self-pollinated,
cross-pollinated, and apomictic plant materials. Customers
should understand the genetic implications of a species'
breeding system, the various approaches used to decide what
should be planted where, the risk of inbreeding or outbreeding
depression, the meaning of commonly misunderstood
terms such as "ecotype" and "cultivar," and the role of
hybridization and artificial selection in plant materials development.
Plant material selection involves consideration of
geographic (such as ecoregion, precipitation, winter hardiness,
soil type), genetic (molecular markers), and adaptation
(field testing) data.

Issue & Pages:

Spring 2005 Pages: 14-24

Article Download:

6-1NPJ14-24.pdf (PDF document)


  • Thomas A Jones


genetics, adaptation, polyploidy, inbreeding depression, outbreeding depression, cross-pollination, self-pollination, apomixis, ecoregion, ecotype, seed transfer zones, cultivar, hybridization, selection