About the Native Plant Network

Establishing in 2001, the goal of the Native Plant Network is to provide technical and practical information on the growing and planting of North American (Canada, Mexico, and US, including US insular areas in the Caribbean and Pacific) native plants for restoration, conservation, reforestation, landscaping, roadsides, and so on. The Network includes the Native Plants Journal and the Propagation Protocol Database.
Funding to initiate the Network came from the USDA Forest Service, State & Private Forestry; Ducks Unlimited Canada; Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Units National Network; and the University of Idaho. Experts from USDA Forest Service, Agricultural Research Service, and Natural Resources Conservation Service; Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management; and the University of Idaho developed the initial format and goal of the Native Plants Journal. Funding to continue the Native Plant Network comes from the US Forest Service through the National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources, which is supported by State & Private Forestry, National Forest System, and Research & Development.