About The Journal

Native Plants Journal was first published in 2000 as a cooperative effort of the USDA Forest Service and the University of Idaho. The impetus was a perceived need for a journal dedicated to the practical aspects of growing and planting North American (Canada, Mexico, and US and US insular areas) native plants. The primary goal was to publish in a format that included both refereed research and general technical articles to encourage "cross pollination" between researchers and field workers.
Now published through the University of Wisconsin Press, the goal remains the same: provide technical and practical information on the growing and planting of North American native plants for restoration, conservation, reforestation, landscaping, roadsides, and so on.
Annual subscriptions include access to all journal content.
The journal thrives on contributions from scientists, academics, field personnel, nursery managers, and others concerning all aspects of growing and planting native plants. Papers are published either refereed or general technical. Please contact the editor if you have questions about making a contribution.