Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
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Potential Use of Containerised Willow Transplants in the Falkland Islands
- Author(s): Aidan Kerr, Gordon J. Lennie, Jim H. McAdam, Rodrigo J. Olave, W. Malcom Dawson
Propagating Plant Materials for the Hopi Reservation, Arizona
- Author(s): Jeremiah R. Pinto, Thomas D. Landis
Nutriplug™: The Next Generation
- Author(s): Marc Poirier, Steven Kiiskila
Container Seedling Storage and Handling in the Pacific Northwest: Answers to Some Frequently Asked Questions
- Author(s): Gary A. Ritchie
Structure of Genetic Variation and Implications for the Management of Seed and Planting Stock
- Author(s): Brad St. Clair, Randy Johnson
Subsurface Banding of Phosphorus, Potassium, and Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizers in the 1+0 Year at J Herbert Stone Nursery
- Author(s): David Steinfeld, Steve Feigner
Status of Pesticide Registrations for Forestry
- Author(s): John W. Taylor, Jr.
Fertilizer Application: Balancing Precision, Efficacy, and Cost
- Author(s): Mark E. Triebwasser
Soil and Water Management Plans for Bareroot Nurseries
- Author(s): Don Boyer
Considerations for Collecting and Vegetatively Propagating Poplar Woody Plant Materials
- Author(s): Ken Wearstler, Jr.
Container Handling and Storage in Eastern Canada
- Author(s): Brian White
Fate of Nitrates in Field Nursery Production Systems
- Author(s): Bert M. Cregg, Carmela Rios, Deana Briggs, James Hart
Container Seedling Handling and Storage in the Southeastern States
- Author(s): James P. Barnett, R. Kasten Dumroese
Restoration of a Rocky Mountain Spruce-Fir Forest: Sixth-Year Engelmann Spruce Seedling Response With or Without Tree Shelter Removal
- Author(s): Douglass F. Jacobs
Seedling Storage and Handling in Western Canada
- Author(s): Clare M. Kooistra
General Overview of Nutrition for Field and Container Crops
- Author(s): Robert L. Mahler
Container Seedling Handling and Storage in the Rocky Mountain and Intermountain Regions
- Author(s): Randy H. Mandel