Tree Planters' Notes Issue 70 (1965)
Planting Douglas-Fir Seedlings in Plastic Tubes
Side Pruner Developed at Mount Shasta Nursery
Planting Longleaf Pine in the Carolina Sandhills
Juniper Germination Simplified
Rooting of Pitch Pine Stump Sprouts
The Morris High-Prunning Equipment
Maleic Hydrazide Unsuitable for Controlling Height Growth of Green Ash and Shumard Oak Seedlings
Nursery Bird Control Through Cover Crops
Root Pruning in Southern Pine Nurseries
Effect of Phosfon-D on Potted Douglas-Fir
Determining Minimum Amounts of TMTD Rabbit Repellent Needed to Protect Douglas-Fir Planting Stock
Simazine no Substitute for Cultivation in Hybrid Poplar Plantations
The Vegetative Stage of Stock and Scion are Important Factors When Field Grafting Yellow-Poplar