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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1978 Harvesting, cleaning & storing seed of western shrubs

Harvesting, cleaning & storing seed of western shrubs

Acquisition of supplies of good seeds from a variety of adapted shrubs is a necessity for many rehabilitation programs, especially in the western states where different shrubs control and characterize the landscape. Because of their ability to grow much better than herbs or trees on many sterile and low precipitation areas, the planting of shrubs is a requirement for developing forage and cover for wildlife and domestic animals on extensive deteriorated, arid ranges. This is just as true for the adequate stabilization of large and small disturbed areas such as deep cuts in the land, old and new mine spoils, gravel pits, and a multitude of roadcuts and fills.

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Author(s): A. Perry Plummer, Kent R. Jorgensen

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1978

Event: Nurseryman's conference and seed processing workshop
1978 - Eureka, CA