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Chamerion (angustifolium)

Family Scientific Name: Onagraceae
Family Common Name: Evening Primrose
Scientific Name: Chamerion angustifolium
Common Synonym: Epilobium angustifolium
Common Name: Fireweed
Species Code: CHAANG
Ecotype: Central-Western Yukon
General Distribution: Perennial, cirumboreal native species that is found in all Canadian provinces. Usually inhabits well drained soils, waste and disturbed grounds, stony slopes, river gravels and subalpine screes and meadows. Fireweed is one of the first species to repopulate newly burned forests.
Propagation Goal: Plants
Propagation Method: Seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: Petri Dish
Time To Grow: 2 weeks
Target Specifications: 25 seeds were placed in each Petri dish, with a target of 60% successful germination rate.
Propagule Collection: Capsules were collected August 16-18, 2015. Both individual capsules, and stalk containing multiple capsules were collected. Capsules were partially open at the time of collection. Capsules and stalk were placed in paper bags, which were kept closed prior to drying.
Propagule Processing: Capsules were dried indoors in paper bags, at room temperature for two weeks. Bags were then placed in cold storage at 4°C for approximately four months prior to being cleaned. Seed was cleaned using a method adapted from the Dawes method for cleaning Salix seed. This method requires a 2HP shop vacuum with a cloth attached to the filter. The cloth will catch any excess pappus that is pulled though the screen, and the seed will collect in the bottom of the canister. Place a layer of newspaper on a table and a 2mm window screen on top of the paper. Remove the pappus from the stalk and lay it out on the screen in a fine layer. Another screen is then placed on top of the pappus. Move the vacuum slowly across the top screen to separate the seeds from the pappus to collect them. Discard pappus that has been cleaned. Collect seeds from the canister, removing any large pieces of stalk that have been collected. Seeds are then sieved through a .25mm screen to remove any remaining stalk. Store seeds a sealed Ziploc bag in cold storage
Pre-Planting Treatments: Seeds were stored in cold storage before being germinated. Seeds were not moist stratified prior to being germinated, however cold moist stratification has been recommended.

Seeds were germinated on a Whatman #2 filter paper set in a Petri Dish. The filter paper was moistened prior to placing the seeds on the paper. During germination, the Petri dish was kept in a sealed Ziploc bag, along with a wet paper towel to ensure the seeds remained moist during germination.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Seeds were successfully germinated in a growth chamber at temperatures of 14°C and 24°C, using a high light level(~200umol).
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Cleaned seeds are viable in cold storage for 18-24 months.
References: Dawes,D. 2002. Using a Shop Vacuum to Clean Salicacea Seeds. Native Plants. Fall 2003, pp 140.

Environment Canada. 2013. Biological Test Method: Test for Growth in Contaminated Soil using Terrestrial Plants Native to the Boreal Region. Environmental Protection Series, EPS 1/RM/56. Ottawa, ON.


Gordon, Denise. 2016. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Chamerion angustifolium Plants Petri Dish; In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/22). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.