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Dalea (ornata)

Ann DeBolt
Idaho Botanical Garden
2355 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, Idaho 83712

Family Scientific Name: Fabaceae
Family Common Name: Pea Family
Scientific Name: Dalea ornata (Douglas ex Hook.) Eaton & Wright
Common Synonym: Petalostemon ornatus Douglas ex Hook.
Common Name: Blue Mountain prairie clover
Species Code: DAOR2
Ecotype: BLM, Seeds of Success: Near Grand View in Owyhee County, southeast of Boise, Idaho. Elevation 2356 feet (718 m). Accession Number SOS-931-117-09.
General Distribution: Rocky or sandy salt desert shrub and sagebrush-steppe habitats at low to moderate elevations in southeast Washington, western Idaho, eastern Oregon, northeast California and northwest Nevada. Often on ash outcrops in Idaho and Oregon.
Known Invasiveness: None known.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: 2.875 inch x 9 inch plant band (container)
Time To Grow: 5 Months
Target Specifications: Healthy root development filling container
Propagule Collection: Seed was hand collected in mid-summer in 2009 by BLM botany technicians. Seed was placed directly into brown paper bags. A small piece of No-Pest Strip was placed in each bag for 2-3 days to reduce insect predation. Seed was air dried in paper bags at room temperature.
Propagule Processing: According to Nita Rauch, USFS Bend Seed Extractory, seed lots of this species have been cleaned as follows:
1.) F.S. Missoula Dewinger: Hopper Feed = 15, black liner, tilt = 3 & speed = 5 for about 1 hour.
2) OEM Continuous Seed Blower: Set on Low (= 300) for 40 minutes.
Seed can be cleaned to a purity of 96%-98%, with seeds ranging from 168,000-187,400 per pound. Using x-ray equipment, 80% of the seeds in lot SOS-931-117-09 were filled.
Pre-Planting Treatments: Seed was stored at room temperature in a dark location prior to sowing.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Sowing Method: Each seed was scarified by swiping once across a fingernail file. Seed was then soaked in distilled water at room temperature for 20 hours. Of the 600 seeds, more than 50% germinated while soaking. Two to three seeds were sown ¬ inch deep in each container. Potting soil was a 2:1:5 mix of lava fines, perlite, and Sunshine Mix #4. Chicken grit was spread on the surface of each container. Containers were hand watered and placed outside on April 16th. No fertilizer was added to the soil mix.
Establishment Phase: 40%-50% of the seed resulted in established seedlings.
Length of Establishment Phase: About 2 months
Active Growth Phase: Containers were allowed to dry slightly between hand watering. A weak fish emulsion fertilizer was applied twice a month from April through June. Plants were grown outside in full sun until outplanting in early October. Some seedlings were dormant by mid-September.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 4 months
Other Comments: Plants were not permitted to flower while in the nursery. Flower stalks were removed as soon as they were observed. We produced a total of 255 plants from the 600 seeds. Nine inch containers were used because of the long taproot.
References: Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A., Fabales, Vol. 3B. Barneby, R. C. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. 1990.


DeBolt, Ann M.; Barrash, Kris. 2013. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Dalea ornata (Douglas ex Hook.) Eaton & Wright plants 2.875 inch x 9 inch plant band (container); Idaho Botanical Garden Boise, Idaho. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/23). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.