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Carex (aboriginum)

Ann DeBolt
Idaho Botanical Garden
2355 Old Penitentiary Road
Boise, Idaho 83712

Family Scientific Name: Cyperaceae
Family Common Name: Sedge Family
Scientific Name: Carex aboriginum M.E. Jones
Common Name: Indian Valley sedge
Species Code: CABA4
Ecotype: Adams and Washington County, Idaho. The original seed lot was collected near Mesa, Adams County, Idaho (3251 feet /991 meters elevation). Several dozen plants were grown from this collection by Mering Hurd, USFS RMRS (retired), in approximately 2001.
General Distribution: Endemic to a narrow area in west-central Idaho. Grows on ephemerally moist sites in meadows and in gaps within shrub riparian zones. In general, its habitat is transitional between wet, flooded sites and dry, upland areas. It grows in full sun in clay-loam alluvial soils.
Known Invasiveness: None
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: 4 inch square containers
Time To Grow: 7 Months
Target Specifications: Healthy root development filling the container.
Propagule Collection: Seed was hand collected into paper bags on July 3, 2009 and stored in a cool, dark location prior to treatment.
Pre-Planting Treatments: The sac-like structure (perigynium) enclosing the achenes was not removed. These were soaked in distilled water for 40 hours and cold stratified on moist paper towel in a covered plastic tray at 40ø F for 9 months. Less than 5% of seed was lost to mold. The 2%-5% of seed that germinated after 5 months of cold stratification were moved to containers as they emerged and treated as described below.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Sowing Method: After 9 months, seed was sown 0.5 inch deep in 2.5 inch round coir containers. Soil was a standard commercial seedling mix (no fertilizer added). The flat of containers was covered with a plastic dome and placed on a heat register in a room heated to 68ø F (20ø C). When seed began to germinate, containers were moved to a plant stand with grow lights. Soil was kept moist.
Establishment Phase: The first germinants were observed 5 days after planting. Within 30 days, 85% of the seed had germinated. One month later, seedlings were repotted into 4 inch square containers and moved into an unheated sunroom where temperatures ranged from 75ø F (24ø C) to 50ø F (10ø C). Containers were moved outside in May and outplanted in September.
Length of Establishment Phase: About 2 months
Active Growth Phase: Containers were hand watered daily. A weak fish emulsion fertilizer was applied weekly from May through June.
Other Comments: Plants from the original seed source have been continually grown in the Boise, ID garden of the second author. Seed for production of these container plants was collected in 2009 and assigned accession number ID931-135.
References: Boufford, D. E. 1997. Fumaria. In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 16+ vols. New York and Oxford. Vol. 23, pp. 413-414.

Murphy, Chris. 2002. The status of Carex aboriginum (Indian Valley sedge) in Idaho -- an update. Conservation Data Center. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Natural Resources Bureau, Boise, Idaho.


DeBolt, Ann M.; Barrash, Kris. 2013. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Carex aboriginum M.E. Jones plants 4 inch square containers; Idaho Botanical Garden Boise, Idaho. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2024/07/22). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.