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Platanus (occidentalis)

Morris J. Houck, Jr.
USDA NRCS - James E. "Bud" Smith Plant Materials Center
3776 Farm Road 1292
Knox City, Texas 79529-2514
(940) 658-3922
(940) 658-3047 (fax)

Family Scientific Name: Platanaceae
Family Common Name: Sycamore Family
Scientific Name: Platanus occidentalis L.
Common Name: American sycamore
Species Code: PLCC
Ecotype: The Point, Guy Sandy Area and the Buckhorn Area
General Distribution: Maine to Iowa, south to central Texas and northwestern Florida. Also, in northeastern Mexico. Planted in South Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Time To Grow: 0
Target Specifications: Stock Type: Container seedling. Height: 3 ft. Caliper: N/A. Root System: Long taproot.
Propagule Collection: Collected in Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Sulphur, Oklahoma by Rudy G. Esquivel in 11/1997.
Propagule Processing: Seed Processing: Seed heads collected by hand and in large amounts are shaken loose in a canvas sheet or brown bag for small amounts, at the NRCS PMC.
Seeds/Kg: N/A.
Germination: N/A.
Purity: N/A.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Propagation Environment: In the greenhouse and lath house for growing and hardening-off.

Seed Propagation Method: Seed in containers or flats.

Container Type and Volume: 3 gallon.

Growing Media: Sunshine Mix #1 or #3.
Establishment Phase: Sowing Date: Spring is the best time to sow seeds, but fall or late winter sowings are feasible.

% Emergence and Date: N/A.

Sowing/Planting Technique: The seeds may be broadcast or drilled in rows 6 to 8 inches apart. They should be covered with 1/4 inch of soil or mulch.

Establishment Phase: N/A.
Active Growth Phase: N/A.
Hardening Phase: N/A.
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Harvest Date: Late fall or early winter.

Total Time To Harvest: November.

Storage Conditions: Clean seeds stored in a temperature regulated seed room at 50§ Fahrenheit/50% Humidity. Forstorage longer than 1 year, seeds should be dried to 10-15% moisture and stored in airtight containers at 20-38§ F.
References: NRCS James E. `Bud' Smith Plant Materials Center, Knox City, Texas, Plant Collection Information, ECS-580; Seeds of Woody Plants in the United States, 641-644.


Esquivel, Rudy G.. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Platanus occidentalis L. plants USDA NRCS - James E. "Bud" Smith Plant Materials Center Knox City, Texas. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/03/28). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.