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Desmanthus (illinoensis)

David J. Horvath
Nursery Manager
Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery
17855 N. CR 2400E
Topeka, Illinois 61567
309-535-3286 (fax)

Family Scientific Name: Fabaceae
Family Common Name: Pea family
Scientific Name: Desmanthus illinoensis (Michx.) MacM. ex B.L. Robins. & Fern.
Common Synonym: Mimosa illinoensis Michx.
Common Name: Illinois Mimosa
Species Code: DESILL
Ecotype: Illinois
General Distribution: D. illinoensis is found from Ohio andMinnesota east to North Dakota and Colorado south to New Mexico and throught the East to Florida.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Bareroot (field grown)
Stock Type: 1+0 bareroot
Time To Grow: 10 Months
Target Specifications: Height: n/a, herbaceous perennial.<br> Caliper: n/a, herbaceous perennial.<br> Root System: Healthy bareroot system from field grown crop.
Propagule Collection: Seed is collected by hand from nursery stock. The plant flowers from approx. July 8 to August 7. Seed is harvested about August 24.
Propagule Processing: After drying, seed is cleaned by first running it through the Dybvig. Next, run it through the Huller-Scarifier then over the Clipper with a top screen of 9 and a bottom screen of 1/15. Keep the Clipper fan on medium. Finally, run it through the Jesse Aspirator.
Repeat the entire process as necessary.
This seed can be cleaned to 91% purity with 5,882 seeds per ounce.
Field seed is planted in the fall, therefor is not put into cold storage. If unable to plant in the fall due to weather, store the seed dry in cold storage at 34-36 degrees F.
Pre-Planting Treatments: Field seed is not damp stratified due to clumping problems during the drilling process.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Propagation Environment: Field grown in beds.

Propagation Method: Seed sown in 3-4 foot wide, raised beds
Growing Media: Field grown seed is drilled in 3 or 4 foot wide, raised beds, consisting of a sandy loam.

Total Time to Harvest: Field grown crops take 10-12 months from time of sowing. This figure is increased to 18 months for field grown plants shipped in the spring.

Sowing Date: Field grown crops are sown in the fall once the seed is cleaned.

Sowing/Planting Technique: Field grown seed is drilled with the Love Seeder at a rate of 4.7 ounces per 45 linear feet. Adjust the drill heights so that the seed is covered only 1 times its depth. The beds should be hydroseeded with a cool-season, annual grass to protect seed over the winter months.
Establishment Phase: Field grown plants should be monitored for germination.
If the seed has not germinated by the first week of May, there has been a problem, ie, seed not planted at the correct depth, blown away, or bad seed lot. Weed the field grown plants by hand early to prevent competition.
Length of Establishment Phase: 1 month
Active Growth Phase: Field grown plants are topdressed twice, once in May and once in June with 13-13-13 at a rate of 200 lbs. per acre. This is done after the first true leaves appear. The fertilizer is irrigated in after application. Irrigation is run once or twice a week, depending on weather, and run for one to two hours.
Length of Active Growth Phase: 4 months
Hardening Phase: For field grown plants, reduce irrigation to slow the vegetative growth down in the fall.
Length of Hardening Phase: 1 month
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Field grown plants are lifted in late September to early November and again in the Spring if need be. The top growth should be mostly died down. Once this occurs, it is helpful to mow the tops to a more manageable size. This aids in the lifting process. Plants are undercut at 7-12 inches prior to lifting. While culling and grading is performed, the roots should be misted occasionally.

Storage Conditions: Depending on weather conditions, field grown plants may be lifted and shipped in the fall. However, time and labor may require spring shipment. Field grown stock is also stored in cool, dry storage, above freezing. Remove dead vegetation in the culling process, and place the plants in plastic-lined bags. Do not allow root systems to dry out.

Storage Duration: Approximately 4 to 6months. Field grown bareroot plants may be shipped at any time as long as the receiver has cold storage.
Length of Storage: 4 to 6 months


Blessman, Gary J.; Flood, Roberta Mountz; Horvath, David J.. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of Bareroot (field grown) Desmanthus illinoensis (Michx.) MacM. ex B.L. Robins. & Fern. plants 1+0 bareroot; Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Mason State Nursery Topeka, Illinois. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/03/28). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.