Phyllodoce (breweri)
David A. Dyer USDA NRCS - Lockeford Plant Materials Center P.O. Box 68, 21001 N. Ellicott Road Lockeford, California 95237 (209) 727-5319 (209) 727-5923 (fax) ddyer@inreach.com http://plant-materials.nrcs.usda.gov/capmc |
Family Scientific Name: | Ericaceae | ||
Family Common Name: | Heath | ||
Scientific Name: | Phyllodoce breweri | ||
Common Name: | Red Mountain Heather | ||
General Distribution: | Moist rocky slopes, meadows, sub-alpine; 4,000-11,000 feet. | ||
Propagation Goal: | cuttings | ||
Propagation Method: | seed | ||
ProductType: | Container (plug) | ||
Time To Grow: | 0 | ||
Propagule Collection: | Collected in the Yosemite National Park. | ||
Propagule Processing: |
EASE OF COLLECTION: Collection and reestablishment were carried out by Yosemite National Park; data not available at the Lockeford Plant Materials Center. METHOD OF CLEANING: Hand-screened only, three times. TYPE OF MATERIAL COLLECTED FOR PROPAGATION: Seed, cuttings. PROPAGATION METHOD: Cuttings received in flats were transplanted into cone cells in UCD mix of perlite, peat, vermiculite, sand, and Osmocote (50-50 peat/vermiculite mix had poor drainage). These were placed on bottom heat at 70§F soil temperature. Misting was set for 4 seconds at 6-minute intervals, later changed to 4 seconds at 10-minute intervals. Cuttings received in cone cells were placed in lathhouse and fertilized with Osmocote. The latter, left in lath-house for entire winter, had better performance than cuttings rooted in green-house. Results with cuttings were poor. NUMBER OF SEEDS PER POUND: Quantitative values for seed/lb. could not be found. PERCENT GERMINATION: Quantitative values for seed germination could not be found. |
Pre-Planting Treatments: | PRETREATMENT USED: Seeds: 2 months cold stratification at 35§F; seed mixed with moist vermiculite in a sealed plastic bag. | ||
Growing Area Preparation/ Annual Practices for Perennial Crops: |
METHOD OF GROWING: Collection and reestablishment were carried out by Yosemite National Park; data not available at the Lockeford Plant Materials Center. | ||
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: |
SEED MATURITY DATE: Quantitative values for date of maturity could not be found. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS: Longevity of seed unknown. No known special storage requirements. ESTIMATED PROPAGULE STORAGE POTENTIAL: Propagules not stored. |
Other Comments: | REESTABLISHMENT TECHNIQUES: It was planted at a seeding rate of 1 pound per acre (30" rows). Seeded on 11-10-90, the two acres were rated as a good initial stand; however, the seedlings were 1-2 inches tall when 100F temperature occurred at the end of December, 1990; this killed the stand. |
Dyer, Dave. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Phyllodoce breweri cuttings USDA NRCS - Lockeford Plant Materials Center Lockeford, California. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/03/13). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.