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Bignonia (capreolata)

John M. Englert
USDA NRCS - Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center
Bldg. 509, BARC - East, E. Beaver Dam Road
Beltsville, Maryland 20705
(301) 504-8175
(301) 504-8741 (fax)

Family Scientific Name: Bignoniaceae
Family Common Name: Trumpet-creeper Family
Scientific Name: Bignonia capreolata
Common Name: Crossvine
Species Code: BIGCAP
Ecotype: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, Kentucky.
General Distribution: Northernmost limits are southern Maryland to southern Ohio and Missouri; plant grows south to Florida and Louisiana. Typical habitat is moist wooded area.
Propagation Goal: plants
Propagation Method: seed
ProductType: Container (plug)
Stock Type: Container seedling
Time To Grow: 0
Target Specifications: Height: Vine. Caliper: NA. Root System: Full plug.
Propagule Collection: Collected in Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, Kentucky by J. Copeland on 10/25/99.
Propagule Processing: Seeds/Kg: 300 seeds were collected, no weight recorded.
Germination: Untested; 270 of 300 seeds germinated @ approximately 90%.
Purity: Not determined.
Pre-Planting Treatments: None. Direct seed.
Growing Area Preparation/
Annual Practices for Perennial Crops:
Propagation Environment: Greenhouse with alternating day/night temperatures.

Seed Propagation: Seed was hand sown into Ropak multipots.

Container Type and Volume: Ropak multipots; transplanted to quarts.

Growing Media: Sunshine #5 with Nutricote SR 180 da 18-6-8.
Establishment Phase: Sowing Date: Nov. 1, 1999. (See `Rapid Growth Phase').

Emergence and Date: All seedlings that germinated had emerged by day 19 (90%).

Sowing/Planting Technique: Seed was hand-sown into potting media in Ropak multipots with no pretreatment. Plugs were grown out on greenhouse bench.

Establishment Phase: No special treatment other than monitoring water needs.
Active Growth Phase: Rapid Growth Phase: Seedlings germinated well but did not grow beyond the 2-3 leaf stage and were not ready for out-planting in spring. Plugs were transplanted up to quarts in early July and set in an outdoor shade house where they spent the summer and fall. Very little new growth occurred. We suspect that the seedlings went dormant in the low light of early winter after germination and may need achilling period to resume growth.
Hardening Phase: Hardening Phase: Plants are currently being hardened off outdoors. They will be over-wintered in cold storage and removed prior to out-planting in spring of 2001.
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: Harvest Date: Anticipated at Spring 2001.

Total Time to Harvest: First attempt at propagation; do not have final data yet.

Seed storage: All seed was planted within 1 week of collection.

Storage Conditions: Quart containers will be over-wintered in cool storage.
Length of Storage: <b>Storage Duration:</b> 3 months.
Other Comments: Vegetation Propagation Method: 47 semi-hard and hard wood cuttings were collected in the Park in October. These were dipped in growth hormone and stuck in perlite under mist for 37 days. Callous and root buds formed but no rooting occurred. Early summer soft wood cuttings are probably preferable.

Propagator: Kathy Davis.

Comments: This was the first attempt at propagation. In the future I would probably start seed in late winter, early spring or give fall planted seedlings a chilling period if growth slows down.
References: Gleason, H. A. and A. Cronquist. 1991. Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada, 2nd edition. New York Botanical Garden.


Kujawski, Jennifer L.; Davis, Kathy M.. 2001. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Bignonia capreolata plants Container seedling; USDA NRCS - Norman A. Berg National Plant Materials Center Beltsville, Maryland. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/03/28). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.