Artemisia (ludoviciana)
Tara Luna USDI NPS - Glacier National Park West Glacier, Montana 59936 (406) 888-7835 http://plant-materials.nrcs.usda.gov/azpmc |
Family Scientific Name: | ASTERACEAE | ||
Family Common Name: | Sunflower Family | ||
Scientific Name: | Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. latiloba Nutt. | ||
Common Name: | Western sage | ||
Species Code: | ARTLUD | ||
Ecotype: | Disturbed praire, Saint Mary, Glacier National Park, MT. | ||
General Distribution: |
A. ludoviciana occurs from low to high elevations, from B.C. to California and Mexico, east to Ontario, Illinois, and Arkansas. It is not found west of the Cascades, except as an occasional introduction. It occupies dry open sites and disturbed areas from the plains and foothills to the alpine zone in the mountains. White sage is a diverse species, with several subspecies that intergrade in areas of overlapping occurrence. |
Propagation Goal: | plants | ||
Propagation Method: | seed | ||
ProductType: | Container (plug) | ||
Stock Type: | 160 ml conetainer | ||
Time To Grow: | 8 Months | ||
Target Specifications: | Height: 6 to 10 true leaves, 5 cm<br> Caliper: n/a<br> Root System: firm plug in 160 ml conetainer | ||
Propagule Collection: | Seeds are hand collected from early October to early November when achenes turn brown and are easily removed from the disc. Seeds must be collected as soon as seeds ripen. Harvesting too early or too late collection often results in the collection of non-viable or aborted seeds. Collections should be spread evenly over a tarp to dry for 3 to 5 days. | ||
Propagule Processing: |
Seed longevity is 5 to 7 years in sealed conetainers at 1C. Seed dormancy is classified as non dormant. Seeds/kilogram: 6,600,000/kg % Purity: 100% % Germination: 86% |
Pre-Planting Treatments: |
60 to 90 day cold, moist stratification. Seeds are placed on moist paper towels inserted into an opened Zip-lock bag and placed in the refrigerator at 1 to 3 C. |
Growing Area Preparation/ Annual Practices for Perennial Crops: |
Greenhouse. Sowing Method: Direct Seeding. Seeds are surface sown. Growing medium used is milled sphagnum peat, perlite, and vermiculite and with Osmocote controlled release fertilizer (13N:13P2O5:13K2O; 8 to 9 month release rate at 21C) and Micromax fertilizer (12%S, 0.1%B, 0.5%Cu, 12%Fe, 2.5%Mn, 0.05%Mo, 1%Zn) at the rate of 1 gram of Osmocote and 0.20 gram of Micromax per 172 ml conetainer. |
Establishment Phase: |
Medium is kept slightly moist during germination. Seeds germinate at greenhouse temperatures set at 21 C during the day and 15 C at night. Seedlings are thinned at this stage. After seedlings are established, they must dry down between irrigations. |
Length of Establishment Phase: | 4 weeks | ||
Active Growth Phase: | Seedlings were fertilized with 20-20-20 liquid NPK fertilizer at 100 ppm during the growing season. Plants were fully root tight 12 weeks after germination. Plants were 4 cm in height with 10 to 12 true leaves. | ||
Length of Active Growth Phase: | 8 weeks | ||
Hardening Phase: | Irrigation is gradually reduced in September and October. Plants are leached with clear water and fertilized with 10-20-20 liquid NPK fertilizerat 200 ppm once before winterization. | ||
Length of Hardening Phase: | 4 weeks | ||
Harvesting, Storage and Shipping: |
Total Time to Harvest: 6 months Harvest Date: September Storage Conditions: Overwinter in outdoor nursery under insulating foam cover and snow. |
Length of Storage: | 5 months | ||
Other Comments: |
Vegetative Propagation Method: A. ludoviciana is rhizomatous and can be propagted by divisions. A. ludoviciana readily establishes on road shoulders and exposed slopes. It increases by rhizomes and is rated as good for erosion control and slope stabilization. There are 3 recognized botanical varieties: var. latiloba, var. ludoviciana, and var. incompta. |
References: |
Flora of the Pacific Northwest, Hitchcock and Cronquist, 7th edition, University of Washington Press, 1973. Seeding Rate Statistics for Native and Introduced Species, Hassell, Wendel, U.S.D.I. and U.S.D.A., April 1996. Seeds: Ecology, Biogeography, and Evolution of Dormancy and Germination, Baskin and Baskin, Academic Press, 1998. Growing Colorado Plants From Seed; A State of the Art. Vol. 3 : Forbs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NTIS General Report, 1982. Seed Germination Theory and Practice, Deno, Norman, Penn State University, 1993. |
Luna, Tara; Evans, Jeff; Wick, Dale. 2008. Propagation protocol for production of Container (plug) Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. plants 160 ml conetainer; USDI NPS - Glacier National Park West Glacier, Montana. In: Native Plant Network. URL: https://NativePlantNetwork.org (accessed 2025/03/28). US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries, and Genetic Resources.