White oak genetics and tree improvement program: Range-wide collaborative effort, early results, and lessons learned
White oak (Quercus alba) occurs throughout the eastern US forests where it is important to the health and how these forests function. White oak also provides habitat for wildlife such as turkey and deer, and it has high value to the forest products industry. The White Oak Initiative (whiteoakinitiative.org) is working to ensure there is a never-ending presence of white oak in the eastern forests. It supports the sustainable growth and production of white oak for a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits. White oak research and the role of genetics and tree improvement is a focus area of the White Oak Initiative in recognition of the importance this work plays in our ability to respond to increasing pressures on the white oak resource. The White Oak Genetics and Tree Improvement program (WOGTIP) (white-oak-genetics.ca.uky.edu ) also supports the goals of the James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits.
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Author(s): Laura E. DeWald, Zachary J. Hackworth, C. Dana Nelson
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 2021