Introgression of Loblolly Pine Genes into a Slash Pine Background
A pseudo-backcross of (P. elliottii x P. taeda) x P. elliottii was made in 2005 in order to facilitate the introgression of loblolly pine into a slash pine background. These backcross plants (BC1) along with open-pollinated families of the pure parental species of the F1 hybrid (slash1 and Loblolly1) and recurrent parent (slash2) were planted in a trial at High Springs, Florida. Fourteen repeated height and disease measurements were taken in the first growing season and a suite of crown architecture traits were measured at the end of the growing season. The results of these measurements indicated that introgression of loblolly genes into slash pine was a success.
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Author(s): Patricio R. Munoz, Dudley A. Huber, Gregory L. Powell
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 2009