Association Genetics of Water Relations and Growth Phenotypes in Loblolly Pine
As a part of the NSF funded Allele Discovery of Economic Pine Traits II (ADEPT2) our objective was to discover genotype-phenotype associations which explained variation in water use efficiency in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) using an association genetics approach. The association population consisted of 500 unrelated genotypes from the North Carolina State University Cooperative Tree Improvement Program and the Western Gulf Forest Tree Improvement Program. Our aim was to find significant associations from among 3900 SNPs and several phenotypes including carbon isotope discrimination and assessments of growth.
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Author(s): Andrew J. Eckert, Barry Goldfarb1, David Neale, Jill Wegrzyn, Patrick Cumbie1, Ross Whetten1
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 2009