Foliar Isozyme Variation in Twenty Seven Provenances of Pinus strobus L.: Gentic Diversity and Population Structure
Genetic structure of Pinus strobus L. has been investigated by starch gel electrophoresis. Eight isozymes coded by 12 loci were used for this study. Interprovenancial allele differentiation amounted to eight percent of the total variation. Frequencies of PGM22 and average heterozygosity are correlated with latitude. Cluster analysis using frequencies of six alleles, chosen for their high contributions to common variance, showed four clusters of provenances. Some ecotypic variation was indicated in the southern Appalachians and in the northern part of the species range.
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Author(s): J. B. Ryu, Robert T. Eckert
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1982
Section: Session 4