Effects of Plot Size on Estimates of Variance Components in White Pine Open-Pollinated Heratibility Test Plantations
Two outplantings of an eastern white pine open-pollinated heritability test containing 113 and 128 families and replicated ten times, were used as uniformity trials to test the effect of plot size on the precision of several estimates. The standard errors of a plot mean, family mean and seed source mean on a per-tree basis were used as criteria of precision. The heritability estimate which contained the maximum amount of useful information was based on planting 7-tree family plots at the location which had 68% survival and on planting 9-tree plots at the location which had 33% survival. The seed source effect was estimated with the greatest precision at the high-survival location when 9-tree plots were used.
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Author(s): W. R. Gall, Eyvind Thorbjorsen
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Northeastern Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1976