Hardwood Marking Demonstration on the Argonne Experimental Forest
In a second-growth northern hardwood stand on the Argonne Experimental Forest a half-acre plot was laid out and all trees on it were numbered and measured. The principal species were sugar maple, basswood, and yellow birch. Stand basal area was 134 square feet and gross volume some 10 M board feet per acre (table 1). Prior to the conference the half-acre plot was marked for cutting by a geneticist, a research forester, an industrial forester, and a National Forest officer. Marking was done by placing a colored tag (a different color for each marker) on each tree to be cut. The tags were removed immediately after marking so that none of the markers knew what his colleagues had done.
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Author(s): R. D. Jacobs, R. B. Hill, E. Stanley Hurd, R. K. Train
Publication: Tree Improvement and Genetics - Lake States Forest Tree Improvement Conference - 1961