RNGR.net is sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry and is a colloborative effort between these two agencies.

U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Adapting JIT Principles to Nursery Production

Some say that 1996 was a record year for seedling production in the southern United States— a record shortfall. Seedling demand was so great that many nurseries were sold out by April. The exact reason for the increased demand is debatable. Some people placed their orders earlier in 1996 due to a shortfall of seedlings in 1995. Others believe the increased demand is due to higher levels of timber harvests (a result of higher stumpage prices). But whatever the reasons, it is a shame that in a country with such a high demand for wood fiber, so many acres will not be planted this year. Can we avoid similar shortages in the future? If we adopt "Just-In-Time "– JIT– principles, I believe we can at least reduce the magnitude of the shortfall.

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Author(s): David B. South

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 47, Number 1 (1996)

Volume: 47

Number: 1