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U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA Forest Service Southern Regional Extension Forestry Southern Regional Extension Forestry

Storing Red Oak Acorns

Large seeds with high moisture contents, such as acorns, are difficult to store. Studies at the Forest Tree Seed Laboratory, State College, Miss., have shown, however, that acorns of some species will survive through three winters (2-% years) if held at high moisture content in polyethylene bags a few degrees above freezing. Preliminary findings for cherrybark (Quercus falcata var. pagodaefolia Ell.). Shumard (Q. shumardii Buckl.), and water oaks. (Q. nigra L.) were summarized in 1970, 2 and this note reports the final results after 30 months.

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Author(s): Franklin T. Bonner

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 24, Number 3 (1973)

Volume: 24

Number: 3