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Home Publications Tree Planters' Notes Tree Planters' Notes Issue 65 (1964) Stored Longleaf Seed Successfully Direct Seeded

Stored Longleaf Seed Successfully Direct Seeded

Longleaf pine seed stored for 7 years can be successfully direct seeded. It germinated well when treated with repellents and sown under severe field conditions at Alexandria, La. Established seedlings from stored seed appear as vigorous as those from fresh seed. In trials from 1948 to 1956 on the Kisatchie National Forest and in tests conducted by numerous industrial landowners, repeated failures with stored longleaf seed led to the belief that direct seeding demands fresh seed. The failures should have been blamed on improper storage. But the belief has persisted, even though it is now known (1, 2) that high viability can be maintained for years.

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Author(s): James P. Barnett

Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 65 (1964)