The Effect of Planting Density on the Growth and Yield of Atlantic White-Cedar - Third Year Results
This study examines the influence of planting density on the growth and yield of Atlantic white-cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) B.S.P.) plantations. Following a clearcut harvest, the study site was root-raked, burned, and planted with bare root Atlantic white-cedar seedlings at three planting densities: 6ft x 12ft (605 trees/acre), 6ft x 6ft (1210 trees/acre), and 4ft x 6ft (1815 trees/acre). After three growing seasons, the tree height was similar across all treatments, averaging 6.4 feet. Survival was 91% (605 trees per acre), 86% (1210 trees per acre), and 83% (1815 trees per acre). Early growth was not affected by planting density in this study.
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Author(s): Bill Pickens
Publication: The Ecology and Management of Atlantic white-cedar