Managing Atlantic White Cedar at Dare County Bombing Range: History, Hopes and Aspirations
The North Carolina Chapter of The Nature Conservancy (INC) and the North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP), hereafter referred to as non-government organizations (NGOs); and other stakeholders have a strong interest in protecting and conserving Atlantic white cedar (A WC) forests present on Dare County Bombing Range (DCBR). Correspondence from the NGOs occurred, as draft forest management plans were distributed for public comment. During September 2003, Hurricane Isabel destroyed nearly 7,000 acres of forested ecosystems on DCBR, including 104 acres of mature AWC forest stands. An additional112 acres of mature AWC was converted to hardwood forest types during the time period from 1989 to 2004. The Air Force sponsored a stakeholders meeting in September 2005 to address the hurricane damage, review the draft DCBR Forest Management Plan and renew communication between the DCBR natural resources staff and the NGOs. A series of meetings are planned to work toward consensus with the stakeholders on restoring the damaged A WC and future management goals of the AWC present on DCBR.
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Author(s): Scott B. Smith
Publication: The Ecology and Management of Atlantic white-cedar