The Reproductive Ecology of Broadleaved Trees and Shrubs: An Innovative Educational Approach
Articles on the reproduction and ecology of broadleaved trees and shrubs are common in the scientific literature. However, discussion and informal surveys reveal that information published in scientific journals is often slow in reaching on-the-ground resource professionals—those who can apply it directly. As a result, several scientists and educators from Oregon State University (OSU) and the USDA Forest Service teamed-up to develop an innovative educational program that helps bridge this gap. The program’s purpose is to help resource managers (and others) understand how broadleaved trees and shrubs reproduce, and how this knowledge can be used to help manage those species. The program consists of a set of audio-visual and printed components that can be used individually or together to form a comprehensive training package. It focuses on species that occur in the Pacific Northwest, but describes principles that are true regardless of geographic region.
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Author(s): Edward C. Jensen, Debra J. Anderson
Publication: Native Plants: Propagating and Planting