Evaluating Alternative Growing Media Components
Alternative components for soilless container media are continually being evaluated to improve or replace existing materials. These alternative materials are often mixed with other components to provide forest and conservation nurseries with a high quality media. Nursery managers should follow a process to evaluate new materials to avoid causing losses due to unacceptable plant growth and development. A desirable growing media is non-toxic to plants, provides a reservoir for water, allows oxygen and gas exchange for roots, retains nutrients for uptake, and provides anchorage for the plants. It should also be available and cost-effective, while matching the nursery production system. This paper explores this process and offers suggestions on evaluating the desired properties of container media.
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Author(s): Richard P. Regan
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2013
Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
2013 - Olympia, Washington