Beyond Cowboy Science: Simple Methods for Conducting Credible and Valid Research
Many nursery and field trials are conducted every year to test new products and techniques. Some of these trials, however, can produce data that is too variable or confounded to accurately assess the question(s) of interest. A “cowboy science” approach can yield results that are statistically invalid and/or biologically untrue; using such data can lead to erroneous conclusions. By incorporating a few simple, basic principles of study design and data collection, anyone can yield credible data that can be used to answer questions or make decisions. Despite beliefs to the contrary, using a valid experimental design usually requires little or no additional input of time and resources, nor does it require an in-depth understanding of statistics. Good research design also ensures that the time and resources invested in research yields meaningful results. This paper describes the “Three Rs” of study design – Representation, Replication, and Randomization – along with examples of pitfalls and successes. It also describes how to create a study plan to guide effective research in the nursery or the field.
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Author(s): Diane L. Haase
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2013
Western Forestry and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
2013 - Olympia, Washington