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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2004 National Wild Turkey Federation Programs

National Wild Turkey Federation Programs

I recently read an article about several women who were preparing to sit 80 ft (25 m) above a forest floor in tree-sitting nets to protest a logging operation in Jefferson National Forest (Appalachia). Tree hugging is nothing new in this country. But did environmental activists know we have more forests now than we did in the 1920s? In 1920, we only had 735 million ac (297 million ha) of forest land. Today we have 749 million ac (303 million ha), or 2 ac (0.8 ha) for every single person in America thanks to you and others in the nursery industry.

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Author(s): Rob Keck

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2004

Event: Southern Forest Nursery Association
2004 - Charleston, SC