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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2000 Approach and Rationale to Developing an IPM Program: Examples of Insect Management in British Columbia Reforestation Nurseries

Approach and Rationale to Developing an IPM Program: Examples of Insect Management in British Columbia Reforestation Nurseries

Insects, weeds, and diseases are a significant part of the production process that nursery growers must consider in order to effectively grow the desired conifer seedling. For the pests and seedlings, the underlying theme is survival, which encompasses 3 major components: stimulus, recognition, and response (Shigo 1991). Thus, the continuation of any system depends on its ability to recognize a stimulus that, in the case of the seedling, threatens or, in the case of the insect, enhances its survival. Once recognized, there must be the ability to respond rapidly and effectively. The speed and effectiveness of the response depends greatly on the availability of energy. In the seedling, reserve energy is used to mount a quick and effective block to any agent that threatens its existence. For the insect or disease, how fast the stimulus is recognized and the degree to which a response is developed are key elements to its survival. Every system has strong and weak periods; therefore, any pest management plan must target the most vulnerable phenological stage of the seedling or pest. Reforestation nurseries represent a unique challenge to the pest managers, as they are subject to pest problems originating from agriculture and forest pest complexes. In addition, conifer seedlings destined for reforestation sites are grown to strict specifications, therefore significantly reducing the nursery's level of tolerance to pest damage.

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Author(s): David Trotter

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2000

Event: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference
2000 - Kona, HI