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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2000 A Tour of Forest Nurseries in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia and American Samoa

A Tour of Forest Nurseries in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia and American Samoa

Forestry programs in the American-affiliated islands of Micronesia and American Samoa are relatively young, compared to those of mainland states. American Samoa and Guam have been American Flag Territories since 1899, but neither had a forestry program before 1970. American Samoa had no forestry program until 1987. After World War II, the United States was the de facto government in the Northern Marianas, Marshalls and Eastern -and Western Caroline Islands, many of which had been devastated by the battles. The United Nations made these islands "Trust Territories of the United States" under a formal trusteeship agreement that called for helping the islands to gain political and economic independence. By the early 1970s, things had normalized enough so that the Trust Territory Government was able to focus on natural resources management.

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Author(s): Leonard Newell

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2000

Event: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference
2000 - Kona, HI