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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2000 Propogating Hardwood Seedlings in Louisiana

Propogating Hardwood Seedlings in Louisiana

I. Introduction A. Demand for hardwood tree seedlings is currently at an all time high. 1. The "no net loss of wet lands" law has caused increased activity in mitigating wet lands. 2. In Louisiana there is much activity with the Wetland Reserve Program with thousands of acres currently signed up for hardwood planting and waiting for hardwood seedlings. 3. The Conservation Reserve Program has also contributed considerably to the demand. 4. Louisiana is currently approximately 50% forested (13,900,000 acres), with approximately 63% being private, non-industrial forest (PNIF). Hunting is a way of life in Louisiana, and because of population increases, hunting is mainly on "hunting clubs." Hunting clubs improving wildlife habitat on both PNIF and industrial lands has also contributed to the demand. 5. There are also several other hardwood initiatives contributing to this increase in demand, such as Carbon Sequestration, Urban Forestry, and so on.

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Author(s): Charles Matherne

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2000

Event: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference
2000 - Kona, HI