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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1995 Nursery Waste Water: The Problem and Possible Remedies

Nursery Waste Water: The Problem and Possible Remedies

We found between 49 and 72% of the water applied to a production crop of container-grown conifer seedlings was discharged from the nursery. The amount discharged varied by species and by seedling growth stage. Our results showed between 32 and 60% of all nitrogen was also discharged, again influenced by species and growth stage. In another study, Douglas- fir and western white pine seedlings were grown using relative addition rate fertilization and 60% less nitrogen than our conventional crop. Based on our results and the literature, we feel a combination of improved greenhouse efficiency, irrigating crops based on container capacity, using intermittent irrigation, and applying fertilizers with a relative addition rate can improve irrigation and fertilization efficiency and reduce nursery runoff.

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Author(s): R. Kasten Dumroese, David L. Wenny, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1995

Event: Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
1995 - Kearney, NE