Intermountain Forest Nursery Association
View other events from 1991
Results of the National Survey of Pesticides in Drinking Water Wells
- Author(s): Randy Lee Brown
Selection, Production, and Use of Riparian Plant Materials for the Western United States
- Author(s): Jack R. Carlson
Managing Pesticide and Fertilizer Leaching and Runoff in a Container Nursery
- Author(s): R. Kasten Dumroese, Deborah S. Page-Dumroese, David L. Wenny
Developing a Nitrogen Balance Sheet for a Container Nursery
- Author(s): David L. Wenny, R. Kasten Dumroese
Propagation of Riparian Species in Southern California
- Author(s): J. Michael Evans
The Strawberry Valley Project: A History and Initial Experiences
Field key to Salix of Utah Based on Vegetative Features
- Author(s): Sherel Goodrich
A Technique for Producing Riparian Plants for Nevada
- Author(s): Dan Greytak
Integration of Somatic Embryogenesis into Operational Forestry: Comparison of Interior Spruce Emblings and Seedlings during Production of 1+0 Stock
- Author(s): Ben C. S. Sutton, Dane R. Roberts, F. B. Webster, John E. Major, Raymund S. Folk, Steven C. Grossnickle
Moisture Stress Acclimation Reduces Sensitivity of Containerized Eldarica Pine to Harsh Handling
- Author(s): John T. Harrington, James T. Fisher, John G. Mexal
Seed Technology for Carex and Juncus Species of the Intermountain Region
- Author(s): Emerenciana G. Hurd, Nancy L. Shaw
Xylem Cavitation: An Indication of Moisture Stress in Newly Planted Western Hemlock Seedling
- Author(s): Kathleen L. Kavanagh
Propagating California Native Oaks in Bareroot Nurseries
- Author(s): Bill Krelle, Doug McCreary
Agricultural Pollution of Surface Water and Groundwater in Forest Nurseries
- Author(s): Fred Zensen, Sally Campbell, Thomas D. Landis
Producing Containerized Oak Seedlings
- Author(s): Laurie Lippitt
The Acorn Seeder, and Project Status at the Missoula Technology and Development Center
- Author(s): Benjamin J. Lowman, Gary Dinkel, Richard Hallman, Roy Kangas
Update on National Tree Planting Programs
- Author(s): Robert D. Mangold
Operational Solutions to Water Management Problems in Ornamental Nurseries
- Author(s): Fred D. McElroy
Vegetative Propagation of Poplar and Willow
- Author(s): Greg Morgenson
Implementation of the National Pesticide Survey, and Recommendations for Conducting Future Occurrence Surveys
- Author(s): David J. Munch
Managing Fertilizer and Pesticide Leaching and Runoff in Bareroot Nurseries
- Author(s): Kevin R. O'Hara
Socio-Political Factors and Nursery Management
- Author(s): John R. Scholtes
Sanitation Methods and Monitoring Progress Reduce Disease in British Columbia Container Nurseries
- Author(s): Gwen Shrimpton
Short Day Treatment of Conifer Seedlings in British Columbia Forest Nurseries
- Author(s): Eric van Steenis
Rooting of Juniper in Outdoor Nursery Beds
- Author(s): Anne M. Wagner, James T. Fisher, John G. Mexal, John T. Harrington
Use of Runoff and Leaching Analysis in Human Health Risk Assessment for USDA Forest Service Nurseries
- Author(s): Robin C. Weiss