Northeastern Nurserymen's Conference
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Seedling Production in Quebec
- Author(s): Alain Dancause
Seed supply in Quebec
- Author(s): Yves Lamontagne
Overview of Quebec's forests and policies in the context of forest nursery production
- Author(s): Claude Godbout
Phytosanitary aspects of seedling production
- Author(s): Louise Innes
Hardwood tree root systems
- Author(s): Janette R. Thompson, Richard C. Schultz
The production of greenhouse transplants in mini-cells at the Thunder Bay Forest Nursery
- Author(s): Robert A. Klapprat
Root growth of scotch pine seed sources and its relationship to field performance
- Author(s): James E. Johnson, Richard E. Kreh, John L. Torbert, Peter P. Feret
Cultural monitoring of seedlings: a management tool
- Author(s): Charles-Gilles Langlois
Seedling production in mini-cell containers in Quebec
- Author(s): Denis Gelinas
Weed management in forest nurseries in Quebec: Problems and possible solutions
- Author(s): Roger Touchette
Hardwood seedling production in Quebec
- Author(s): Michele Tourigny
Deformation of the stem of containerized black spruce seedlings
- Author(s): Daniel Lord, Hank A. Margolis
Growth and physiology of containerized spruce seedlings: studies in progress at Forestry Canada, Quebec Region
- Author(s): Andre L. D'Aoust
Conservation Reserve Program tree planting in the northeastern United States 1990 update
- Author(s): Ronald P. Overton
Tree improvement and seedling production in Quebec
- Author(s): Dr. Gilles Vallee, Gilles Vallee
Softwood Seedling Production by Cuttings
- Author(s): Michel Campagna