Combined Meeting of the Western Forest Nursery Associations
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Mineral Nutrition and the Target Seedling
- Author(s): William L. Bigg, Jeffrey W. Schalau
The Target Seedling Concepts: Bud Dormancy and Cold-Hardiness.
- Author(s): Karen E. Burr
Target Seedling Root System Size, Hydraulic Conductivity, and Water Use During Seedling Establishment
- Author(s): William C. Carlson, D. Elaine Miller
Mycorrhizae and Realistic Nursery Management
- Author(s): Charles B. Davey
Performance of Conifer Stocktypes on National Forests in the Oregon and Washington Coast Ranges
- Author(s): Peyton W. Owston, Ralph E. Duddles
Regulation of Seedling Height in Container-Grown Spruce Using Photoperiod Control
- Author(s): A. M. Eastham
Mitotic Index of Conifer Shoot Tips: Processing, Sampling, and Data Interpretation
- Author(s): James Grob
Morphological Development of Field-Planted Western Hemlock Seedlings from Various Dormancy Induction Treatments
- Author(s): James T. Arnott, John E. Major, Steven C. Grossnickle
Moisture Stress and Root Volume Influence Transplant Shock: Preliminary Results
- Author(s): Diane L. Haase, Robin Rose
The Use of Styroblock 1 & 2 Containers for P+1 Transplant Stock Production
- Author(s): Philip F. Hahn
Soil Fumigation, Cover Cropping, and Organic Soil Amendments: Their Effect on Soil-Borne Pathogens and the Target Seedling
- Author(s): Everett M. Hansen, Phillip B. Hamm
State of the Art Seedling Stock Quality Tests Based on Seedling Physiology
- Author(s): Christopher D. B. Hawkins, Wolfgang D. Binder
Effect of Styroblock Design and Copper Treatment on Morphology of Conifer Seedlings
- Author(s): Gary A. Hunt
Approaches to Integrated Pest Management of Fusarium Root Disease in Container-Grown Conifer Seedlings
- Author(s): David L. Wenny, R. Kasten Dumroese, Robert L. James
Seedling Moisture Status
- Author(s): W. Lopushinsky
The Nursery Program at Missoula Technology and Development Center
- Author(s): Benjamin J. Lowman
Target Seedling Concepts: Height and Diameter.
- Author(s): John G. Mexal, Landis T. D.
Application of Foliar Fertilizer During Bud Initiation Treatments to Container-Grown Conifer Seedlings
- Author(s): David L. Wenny, Mark E. Montville
Target Root Starch Concentrations Before Storage: Testing the Model
- Author(s): Robin Rose, Steven K. Omi
Target Seedling Specifications: Are Stocktype Designations Useful?
- Author(s): Peyton W. Owston
Computer Vision: A Nursery Management Tool
- Author(s): Glenn A. Kranzler, Michael P. Rigney
Root Growth Potential and the Target Seedling
- Author(s): Gary A. Ritchie, Yasuomi Tanaka
Discrete Proteins Associated with Overwintering of Spruce and Douglas-fir Seedlings
- Author(s): Dane R. Roberts, Peter Toivonen, Stephanie M. McInnis
The Target Seedling Concept
- Author(s): Robin Rose, William C. Carlson, Paul D. Morgan
The Balsam Woolly Adelgid and Pine Needle Mite as Potential Pests of Reforestation Nurseries in British Columbia
- Author(s): Gwen Shrimpton
NAA Effects on Conifer Seedlings in British Columbia
- Author(s): David G. Simpson
Comparison of the Summit Precision Seeder with the Oyjord Seeder
- Author(s): John P. Sloan
The Use of Lannen RT-2 Transpianters to Transplant Containerized Seedlings at Surrey Nursery
- Author(s): Tony Willingdon