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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1985 Principles, Procedures, and Availability of Seedling Quality Tests

Principles, Procedures, and Availability of Seedling Quality Tests

As seedling quality tests move from the research to the operational realm, users and potential users must become knowledgeable about the basis for various tests. Without a basic understanding, vigor testing will remain a black-box. This paper condenses and reviews the principles and procedures behind measurements now considered operational: Morphology, mineral nutrition, water status, frost-hardiness, survival, dormancy release, and root growth potential. Tests are now available from three private companies and one university. Seedlings sent for testing should be representative of the lot, and transported in such a way that vigor is not reduced. Cooperative studies to correlate test results and seedling performance in the field are encouraged. The potential benefit of seedling quality testing can be very high relative to the cost.

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Author(s): Kenneth R. Munson

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1985

Event: Intermountain Nurseryman's Association Meeting
1985 - Fort Collins, CO