Inoculation of Fall- and Spring-Sown Longleaf Pine Seedlings With Pisolithus tinctorius
Vegetative inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius (PI) placed in the spring in trenches between rows of longleaf pine seedlings sown the previous fall formed as many Pt ectomycorrhizae by lifting as did Vegetative inoculum applied by machine just prior to spring sowing. Fall-sown seedlings had consistently larger root-collar diameters than the spring-sown seedlings. Spores applied by spraying in the fall or spring on seedlings sown in the fall or spring formed inadequate amounts of Pt ectomycorrhizae. A prototype machine for applying Pt vegetative inoculum between rows provided favorable results in an operational-level inoculation in a forest industry nursery in Alabama.
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Author(s): Donald H. Marx, Charles E. Cordell