Chapter 5 - Vegetative Propagation of Southern Pines
Large potential genetic gains have prompted aggressive pursuit of cost-effective cloning methods for southern pines by both micropropagation (tissue culture) and macropropagation (rooted cuttings) during the last 20 years. Although progress has been impressive, methods which can compete with highly efficient nursery production of 1 + 0 seedlings continue to be plagued by high unit costs, maturation, and other unforeseen developmental problems. Research on both types of methods is continuing, and protocols for producing rooted cuttings from seedling material and micropropagation from older tissue (6- to 12-year-old plants) are currently being tested. However, no reliable methods for rejuvenation of mature material are yet available. Nonetheless, there is strong interest in selecting superior trees at an early age and entering them into a cutting orchard and in mass propagating superior full-sibling family material by rooting cuttings from hedged seedlings. With these approaches, gains from improved families may be realized many years earlier than would be possible from seed production (even with supplemental mass pollination) from conventional orchard systems.
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Author(s): Michael S. Greenwood, G. Sam Foster, Henry V. Amerson
Publication: Forest Regeneration Manual