Chapter 20 - Insect and Disease Management
Insect and disease management is essential for successful regeneration of pines in the southern U.S. Because of the demands imposed by intensive culturing of southern pines, land managers must have a broad working knowledge of entomology and pathology so they can recognize, assess, and remedy many types of insect and disease problems in seed orchards, nurseries, and the field. In seed orchards, insects pose the largest threat to seeds and cones; in nurseries, diseases are the major pest problems; in the field, insects and diseases prevail equally. Regardless of the regeneration management unit, the interactions among insects, diseases, and their hosts must not be overlooked. No control may be warranted when damage is limited to a small part of a single tree; however, various treatments may be necessary when entire seed crops, seedbeds, or plantations are invaded. Wherever possible, preventive measures should be preferred to reactionary treatment because prevention is generally more efficacious. Although pesticides are available for most pests, alternative means — cultural, physical, or biological — should be investigated. In response to heightened environmental awareness, integrated pest management, a holistic approach to solving pest problems, is receiving considerable attention in forestry.
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Author(s): Wayne N. Dixon, Edward L. Barnard, Carl W. Fatzinger, Thomas Miller
Publication: Forest Regeneration Manual