Chapter 1 - Regeneration - An Overview of Past Trends and Basic Steps Needed to Ensure Future Success
The forest resource of the 12 states in the south comprises approximately 73.7 million ha of timberland and includes the natural ranges of loblolly (Pima taeda L.), slash (Pinus elliottii Engelm.), longleaf (Pinus palustris Mill), sand (Pinus clausa Vasey), and shortleaf (Pinus echinata Mill.) pines. Forest growing conditions over this broad geographic area vary considerably because of variations in both climate and soil type. Environmental factors such as drought, excess water, competition for light, insects and diseases, animals, and limited nutrition often make regenerating southern pines a challenge. However, the fact that most of the older pine stands existing today are the result of natural regeneration demonstrates that, overall, conditions in the South are suited to these species. Today, approximately 1.7 million ha of pine are harvested each year. Although over 800,000 ha are regenerated annually with over 1.2 billion seedlings, more than 50% of the harvested area is left to regenerate naturally or revert to other forest types. This means that future demands for timber must be met using fewer and fewer hectares that need to be more intensively managed utilizing many of the forestry practices described in this manual.
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Author(s): Phillip M. Dougherty, Mary L. Duryea
Publication: Forest Regeneration Manual