Field Guide to Native Oak Species of Eastern North America
Stein, J., D. Binion, and R. Acciavatti. 2001. Field Guide to Native Oak Species in Eastern North America. USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, Morgantown, West Virginia. FHTET-03-01
This field guide provides an illustrated reference for identification of eastern oaks and can be used in several ways. Oak identification can be accomplished by utilizing the leaf keys, cross referencing scientific or local common names in the index, verifying similarities between leaf specimens and the illustrated oak leaf reference charts, and comparing descriptions provided for each species. Distribution maps may also aid in the separation of similar appearing species. The distribution of each oak species can be further defined according to ecoregion. A map of the eastern North American ecoregion provinces is provided (p. 106) and ecoregion provinces associated with each oak species are also included in the summary tables (pp. 109-119). The same common names may be used for different species or many common names may be applied to a single species in more than one location. Therefore, the preferred name is shown in bold with other names cross referenced in the index. Leaf morphology may vary considerably depending upon a combination of hybridization, tree age, position in the crown, and available sunlight. Many oaks are noted for hybridizing with other species in the same subgenus. Such progeny differ from the typical form, are usually isolated individuals or have a limited distribution, and are not included here. Characteristics used in the field identification key are limited to mature leaves with full exposure to the sun. When using the key, it is recommended that species verification be made by reference to other tree characteristics listed in the text.
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Author(s): John Stein, Denise Binion, Robert Acciavatti