Hypovirulence in Endothia Parasitica and Suggested Procedures for It's Detection and Analysis
ABSTRACT.--Concepts of normalcy, virulence, and hypovirulence in Endothia parasitica are presented. Normalcy is defined by the characteristics of a set of four strains (standards) taken from the American and Italian populations of the fungus. Normal virulence is defined by the pathogenicities and reproductive capacities of the standard strains in American chestnut. Hypovirulence is then defined simply as a condition of subnormal virulence. Distinctions are made between two types of hypovirulence, cytoplasmic (CH)and nuclear (NH). These concepts are illustrated with examples of simple and complex hypovirulent strains from the North American and Italian populations of the fungus. Procedures are suggested for the detection and detailed analysis of hypovirulence in individual strains.
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Author(s): John E. Elliston
Publication: American Chestnut Proceedings - 1982