Advances and Challenges in Seed Biology
There have been significance advances in seed biology as we enter the new millennium. The production of genetically improved seeds in seed orchards is an established practice throughout North America, and the use of isozyme analysis and other techniques has greatly improved our ability to assess biodiversity of trees in seed orchards and wild stands. We can now directly identify male parents by analyzing DNA in pollen chloroplasts, and researchers are developing antibody markers to determine insect damage to developing seeds.Aerial helicopter collection of cones in wild stands has improved our ability to collect in remote, formerly inaccessible locations. The higher costs of seed orchard seed shave prompted public and private nurseries to upgrade seed lot quality; variations of several specific gravity separation techniques have shown much promise for this purpose. The greatly expanded use of native species, about which we know little, for restoration of public lands has placed great demands on staff in seed processing plants and nurseries.
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Author(s): Carole L. Leadem
Publication: Advances and Challenges in Forest Regeneration