Pine Plantation Survival: A Corporate Look at the Problem
The economic impact of poor initial stocking in terms of reduced wood yield and higher per unit production costs led the Union Camp Corporation to investigate causes of low stocking in young slash and loblolly pine plantations . Low seedling quality , poor planting technique, and adverse microenvironment, each caused from 3 to 6% mortality during the first year. Loss of seedlings to insects or diseases was negligible . Missed planting spaces lowered initial stocking by almost as much as first year mortality, indicating that increased supervision may be the single most important means of approaching satisfactory stocking. The tendency for earl y stabilization of first year mortality in s lash pine suggests that stocking may be evaluated much earlier than previously thought, but this relationship was absent in lobolly.
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Author(s): J.F. Godbee, Jr., J.L. Rakestraw, F.S. Broerman
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Eastern Session
1982 - Savannah, GA
Section: Plantation Survival