Optimizing Nursery Germination by Fluid Drilling and Other Techniques
Fluid drilling techniques allow partial germination of seeds before sowing, separation of those that have failed to germinate, and then sowing viable seeds through a seed-gel mixture. Although research has been primarily with vegetable seeds, preliminary work indicates considerable potential in forestry. Other techniques are available to help optimize germination on nursery beds. Lengthening the period of stratification can greatly speed germination, make it more uniform, and reduce inter-seedling competition that will lessen the proportion of cull seedlings. Stratifying dormant seeds such as loblolly pine for 60 instead of 30 days will markedly improve the speed as well as total germination under the less than optimum conditions encountered on nursery beds. Individual seedlots vary in their response to stratification and comparative germination tests should be used to determine stratification requirements.
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Author(s): James P. Barnett
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Eastern Session
1982 - Savannah, GA
Section: Seed Handling