Loblolly Pine Seedling Survival Study: 1979-80 and 1980-81 Planting Seasons
For two consecutive, survival-study test years, loblolly pine seedlings that were conventionally lifted, graded, and packed attained an average survival rate of 86 percent when planted operationally by field crews . Similar seedlings that were hand planted with maximum care had a 91-percent survival rate at the same , site-prepared locations. At a second location where site conditions for planting were nearly optimum, the seedlings achieved 96 percent survival. In an auxiliary study, seedlings were taken directly from the nursery beds by hand and immediately planted with maximum care at an old- field site; their survival was increased to 99 per cent.
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Author(s): Carl A. Muller
Publication: 1982 Southern Nursery Conferences
Southern Nursery Conferences - Eastern Session
1982 - Savannah, GA
Section: Plantation Survival